I forgot to plug in the block heater on my truck yesterday. That’s the simple little act of neglect that’s prompting this post. I drive a 20 year old F-250 Diesel that holds 15 quarts of pretty heavy oil and if you don’t plug it in and allow the block heater to keep the oil…
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Forgiveness has a limit…
I try to be forgiving. I really do. I don’t think it’s particularly easy for anyone, but for those of us who’ve spent most of our adult life with a mission focus based on the worst humanity has to offer… well…for us the task of learning forgiveness is, at times, a little daunting. I’ve found…
Read MoreForte Adiuvat Animus Paratus
I’m afraid… Naah…that’s the wrong word. I’m not afraid of anything that walks, talks or lives under rocks. I’m concerned. Hell, I’m actually a little worried. I’m a planner. I’m always looking a good ways down the road. I try not to get too wrapped up in the things I have no control over, but…
Read MoreI’m an addict.
Okay…so, here it is…I’m an addict. It’s not something that I’m particularly proud of, but I’m not afraid to admit it either. Be as judgmental as you’d like…I’m an addict and my addiction has made me a better person. My addiction relaxes me. It helps me escape the stresses of life, expands my mind, shelters…
Read MoreFrustration
Ya know…I’ve heard of people having “writers block”. They sit and stare at a blank sheet of paper or a blinking cursor and the words just won’t come. I guess they just kinda zone out staring at that field of white in front of them and lose all train of thought. The problem I’ve had…
Read MoreUse your “squeaker”…dammit.
Note 1: I don’t look like a marathon runner. That’s okay though…because I’m not a marathon runner by any stretch of the imagination and even in my most fit state, I didn’t have a runners physique. I’m not a Ferrari…I’m more of an old farm pick-up. I think this is half the problem I’m getting…
Read MoreThe origin…
I keep getting asked about the term “Hillbilly Logic”. I’ve been using that term for years, but never really tried to define it. So, I’ll tell you the story behind it…it’s nothing earth-shattering or life altering, but it’ll answer the questions. First…Let’s see how the web defines the two words. hill·bil·ly /ˈhilˌbilē/ noun – INFORMAL•DEROGATORY…
Read MoreHome (Part 1)
A lot of things in life require a certain degree of distance in order to gain the proper perspective. Distance and time are undoubtedly the reason hindsight is always 20/20. In 1987 all I wanted was to put my hometown behind me and go see the world. Three decades later, all I wanted was to…
Read MoreJust Entertain Me…
I am the entertainer The idol of my age I make all kinds of money When I go on the stage Ah, you’ve seen me in the papers I’ve been in the magazines But if I go cold I won’t get sold I’ll get put in the back in the discount rack Like another can…
Read MoreRadix Malorum est Cupiditas
Pain, anger and frustration prompt us to lash out. I get it. Emotional circumstances trigger emotional responses. We’re human beings. Emotion is one of the things that sets us apart from every other species breathing the air on this planet. Our ability to reason is the other. It seems we’ve become slaves to our emotions…
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